Owner / Artisan
Owner / Office Manager
Content Manager
Social Media
Graphic Arts
Drone Video
Owner / Artisan
Owner / Office Manager
Content Manager
Social Media
Graphic Arts
Drone Video
Site URL: https://myzebraenglishjourney.com/
My ZebraEnglish Journey was created for Joeann Foster with the idea of helping other ESL teachers navigate the waters of becoming an ESL teacher with Zebra English. Joeann needed a logo that identified her for her new website.
We had a couple of goals in mind when creating the logo. We wanted to make it easy for Joeann’s students and fellow teachers to recognize her, so we decided to use a photo of her in the logo. We also wanted to have something that connected it to teaching young children ESL, so we picked a fun education-looking font.
Joeann was able to use her logo and brand throughout her marketing material. She used it in her videos, as well as on other sites.